Contribution of 500,000 Yuan to Qinghai Charity Fe...
In February 2019, Bester Group donated 500,000 Yuan to Qinghai Charity Federation under the bridging of Qinghai mobiles for precise poverty alleviation in Tianjiazhai and Gonghe town, Huangzhong county, X...Contribution of 500,000 Yuan to Gansu Charity Fede...
In December 2018, Bester Group donated 500,000 yuan to Gansu Charity Federation under the bridging of Gansu mobiles for precise poverty alleviation work in Zhuyuan and Haoti town, Michang county in respon...In 2018, a precise poverty alleviation donation of...
In December 2018, Bester Group actively devoted itself to the strategy of rural rejuvenation and helped to fight against poverty. And BesterGroup contributed 500,000 Yuan to the precise poverty alleviation in Meijia...